This collaborative approach is essential for effective intervention and promoting healing, especially in vulnerable populations.

An MDT, or Multidisciplinary Team, is a collaborative group of professionals from various fields who come together to address the often complex issues related to child abuse cases. This collaborative approach is essential for effective intervention and promoting healing in vulnerable populations. Our MDT typically includes professionals such as:

  • Child Welfare Workers: Focus on the child's well-being and safety.

  • Law Enforcement Officers: Investigate allegations of abuse and gather evidence.

  • Medical Professionals: Provide medical evaluations and treatment.

  • Mental Health Professionals: Offer counseling and support to children and families.

  • District Attorney: Help navigate the legal aspects and ensure the child’s rights are protected.

  • Victim Advocates: Provide emotional support and resources for the family.

The MDT aims to support children and their families at every stage of the criminal justice process while fostering healing and recovery.


    An effective Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) is the most efficient way to respond to child abuse cases.

    A successful team relies on assembling dedicated members, meticulous organization, and thoughtful planning. Each role plays a vital part in ensuring the well-being of a child, making it essential that all team members are supportive of the shared goals, engaged, and fully committed to their responsibilities. Clear communication, defined roles, transparent expectations and collaboration are key to aligning the team.

    These foundational elements help create a cohesive and effective MDT capable of providing comprehensive support in child abuse cases.


    A well-functioning MDT offers numerous advantages, such as:

    Reduced Trauma for Clients: Clients share their stories once, minimizing emotional stress.

    Improved Interventions: Collaborative efforts lead to more effective treatments and services.

    Efficient Resource Use: Optimized use of limited agency resources ensures more impactful support.

    Lower Burnout Rates: Teamwork helps reduce the strain on child abuse professionals.

    Faster Information Gathering: Streamlined processes enable timely interventions.


    MDTs play a crucial role in cases involving children, as they:

    Minimize trauma by ensuring the child only needs to recount their story once.

    Foster teamwork and shared ideas, leading to better interventions.

    Expedite referral processes for timely support.

    Create a larger, more comprehensive support system.

    MDTs are invaluable in providing holistic care, supporting clients and families, and creating pathways to healing in the face of challenging circumstances.

The primary goal of an MDT is to ensure a coordinated and comprehensive response to the needs of children and families, and our CAC provides a safe environment for professionals to share information and develop strategies. By bringing together different perspectives and expertise from each team member and coming together to hear the same conversation at the same time, we can collaborate more effectively and efficiently. This approach helps minimize trauma for the child, improves communication among agencies, and ensures we provide comprehensive support that meets the child's physical, emotional, and social needs.

Members of the Ashe County Children’s Advocacy Center Multidisciplinary Team include representatives from:

  • Ashe County Public Schools

  • Ashe County Department of Juvenile Justice 

  • Ashe County Department of Social Services

  • Ashe County Sheriff's Office 

  • District Attorney for the 34th Prosecutorial District

  • District # 34 Guardian ad Litem 

  • Jefferson Police Department

  • Jodi Province Counseling Services 

  • West Jefferson Police Department